Empowering Hope, Embracing Humanity
So long as the criteria for being a refugee is met, the details on the candidate can be submitted to CFR and will be considered. We only have a small number we can do each year however and have a waiting list at the present time. Those in more needy circumstances are considered first.
Co Sponsors (family/friends) in Canada must provide start-up support and ongoing monthly costs during the entire sponsorship period for at least one year, or until the refugee becomes self sufficient, whichever comes first. The amount required to sponsor depends on the size of the family. The detailed
calculation is in the IRCC link below.
After that first year they are a resident of Canada like other Canadian residents with the expectation that they can find employment. Job search and support agencies for all residents can be used to aid that search. Past history shows most do find employment by that time.
After that first year they are a resident of Canada like other Canadian residents with the expectation that they can find employment. Job search and support agencies for all residents can be used to aid that search. Past history shows most do find employment by that time.
From the time the newcomer arrives in Canada, CFR assists with integrating them well within the community through connecting them with fellow newcomers, social outings, connecting with other members of their religion, etc.
Each individual coming to Canada be it adult or child uses one spot. As the number of spots is limited each situation would need to be reviewed for consideration. A larger family coming would mean less spots to bring other individuals. Relatives that are not immediate family can be considered.
No, we require that your status shows you left your country and resided elsewhere for a period of time. This can be in a refugee camp or living and being employed within that second country.
Should you require further information, kindly access the IRCC FAQ by clicking the provided link for answers to your queries.